there's no place like home......
food for small animals
14 June 2003
11:09 p.m.


I just typed an entire entry and it got eaten by whatever thing it is that eats Diaryland entries....

So I'll try again, though I doubt it will be nearly as good.

Anyway - it's been a forever since I was able to do an update. I've been in New York for a few days, and work has been completely insane.

So have I.

I know that some of you already know about this because I've had the opportunity to tell you in person (or on the phone or via email) - but my sweet little Dorothy died this week.

I cannot thank everyone enough for all the wonderful thoughts and sentiments you passed along on her behalf after Maude died back in April.

She really went into catastrophic failure quickly. It was so much like a replay of when Bonney died that we were really overcome by it.

But away Dorothy went on Tuesday morning, and now we are bereft of tiny creatures in the house. I'm not sure that Sumi and Scylla realize the loss as they were only partially interested in the amount of rodentia in the abode - but Jim and I are still bereft.

Anyway - for those of you who have asked and such - I thank you profoundly. Anneliese, Lexy, Xtine, Mary Ann, my parents, in-laws, and co-workers - I cannot tell you how important it is to me to know that you all understand how a tiny creature can be such an important part of one's life.

The other big event this week was my nephew Harry's graduation from High School! It was so wonderful - and all last week I wracked my brain trying to think of the perfect graduation gift. To be sure, we gave him a gift certificate from the Mecca that is Target - but something else was needed...

So I excavated amongst my album collection and came up with three albums that I thought Harry might appreciate - or at least be able to sell for some decent money.

So I gave him The Misfits "Walk Among Us", Social Distortion's "Mommy's Little Monster", and Minor Threat's "Out of Step".

And you know what? It felt really good!

Well -

It's late (though not too late) on a Saturday night and I have work to do tomorrow. I'm leaving out for Mystic on Monday (competely unexpected trip, mind you) and thus must get my real work done on the weekend.

Ah well - it's all good.

peace out.

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:


thinking about:

hooded rats of days gone by...

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
