Mari Mac's mother's making Mari Mac marry me
food for small animals
melancholy giggles
06 April 2003
9:55 p.m.

The sadness that accompanied Maude's passing just hasn't let go of me this weekend. I had to keep moving, keep my mind otherwise occupied or else it would all come back again.

Thanks to all of you who called, emailed or left notes in sympathy - and especially to Rieger, Anne Marie, Melody and Anneliese for inquiring after Dorothy. Just so you know, she seems to be doing better, though still a bit confused and lonely.

Yesterday we actually did yard work. See - we have new next door neighbors and they've been doing cool things to their backyard - so of course we had to follow suit. It really helped my spirit to just dig in the dirt, rescue the earthworms from before the shovel and slowly, ever so slowly rake.

So we now have a little flower bed with no flowers in it yet. Rather zen-like at the moment. We'll probably acquire some flowers or plants or something later in the week and play in the dirt some more. I think I need to.

After the frenzy of domesticity yesterday, we met up with Rich (who turned 34 yesterday, so happy day to you, Rich!) and drove to Richmond to see Carbon Leaf at The Canal Club. We picked up Tho at his house (odd little row house, that - in a dodgy yet somewhat endearing area called Oregon Hill) and proceeded to Sine' where much fine Stella Artois was consumed by all. Then on to the club to see the Leaf.

What a lovely band. I've seen then four times now and don't tire of it. Part of it is the fact that they seem to enjoy playing so much - a trait that not all bands seem to understand. But Carbon Leaf has it in abundance and made it a wonderful evening.

Following the show, we took Rich to Richbrau because it made sense to. I stopped imbibing hours before - which I have always found to be a good thing since I like being the one that can tell everyone else exactly how silly they were.

Jim and Rich actually giggled like schoolgirls.

I know that's a cliche - because schoolgirls these days rarely giggle - so full of angst they are - but Jim and Rich giggled like the much celebrated schoolgirls of yore.

They remember nothing.

I, on the other hand, remember everything.

On another note - I was randomly grazing the other day and ran across this poem. Take a look - it manages to capture a piece of the Chronicles of Narnia in five stanzas.


older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:

Carbon Leaf

thinking about:


seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
