you could either be successful or be us...
food for small animals
battle, battle - who's got the battle?
20 March 2006
12:02 p.m.

My oh my - how the time does fly...

Here we are staring spring in the face already. A month has flown by nearly unnoticed as things have sped up to the point that I am displaying both a red and a blue shift depending on your vantage point.

We have survived yet another Battle of Hampton Roads weekend - and, at year 4 - it seems that we almost know what we're doing! It was a whirlwind of fun - seeing old friends, making new ones and having a truly fun time whilst actually learning something! I had a great time with our speakers and guests - I had a meeting with James McPherson, Craig Symonds and Harold Holzer to go over themes for the exhibition. They could have made it feel like my doctoral comps all over again - but instead it was a blast! I got to take them out onto the deck of the full-size Monitor replica and it was fun to watch their reactions.

I think everyone who has been out there gets goosebumps. It's pretty phenomenal.

So that was fun! The weekend is always great for catching up with folks we haven't seen in a year, too. Bill (who is triply related to folks from the Monitor's crew and builders) was so much fun to hang out with and Francis and his wife brought many fine goodies to loan to us for the exhibit. Steve & Sylvia came all the way from California and we had a great time discussing all things ironclad and looking at pictures of Steve's RC replicas - which he'll be bringing out east next year for the grand opening.

Bob from National Ge0graphic brought freebies for us as well as an incredible Jim Gurney painting that will hopefully come to stay with us someday, someway. Bob Holland brought us some paintings to display as well - and some prints for us to sell. Very nice indeed!

We were able to display a brand new model of the CSS Patrick Henry made by Ozzy Raines. She's absolutely beautiful - his work is exquisite. The MOC wants her - and I offered to arm-wrestle Dr. Coski for it - but he declined...

We also had a new member of the staff show up just in time for the weekend. Gunner Wood - fresh from Tennessee (and the Guru compound) made his appearance - along with his gun and pipe - and delighted all of the guests who were fortunate enough to meet him. We are looking for an appropriate berth for him in the new exhibition as he is - of course - a model of naval fortitude.

Well - I'm telecommuting at the moment - so work calls. But rather than continue to let you all think I fell off the face of the earth - I thought I'd resurface, if only for a moment.....

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:

some horrific jazz version of 'Get Up, Stand Up' that should be destroyed

thinking about:

do I really need more caffeine?

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
