we were soldiers once, and young.....
food for small animals
17 February 2004
9:52 p.m.

I can't even begin to describe this last week.

It began in tears and it ended that way as well - though the tears were for radically different events.

We had an indredible upset at work - with someone abruptly leaving and all the attendant disbelief that goes with that.

Then, at the end of the week, I found that one of our wonderful volunteers was gravely ill.

I'm not sure what kind of eulogy I can write for Jack. If it was possible to have a favourite - he was definitely up there.

I did my crying for him while he was still with us. Anne Marie called on Thursday night to let me know that he was much sicker than any of us knew. I stayed up much of the night thinking about him and of missed moments.

On Friday, the whole bunch of us went to the hospital - as much of in celebration of Jack as in farewell.

He knew us when we came into the room - introducing us to his daughter as his "girlfriends" (except for Rieger - he just couldn't go there....). We sat with him, cooed over him and finally kised him goodbye - ostensibly til he came back - but I think we all knew.

He passed away on Sunday. I found out today. I'm teary now - but you know - he lived such an incredible life and so fully - up til the end, that I can't help but smile and hope that I should be so lucky.

And I am so lucky.

I knew Jack.

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:

the Strokes

thinking about:

a three star general

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
