you're the best thing that ever me,'re my world.....I said don't go away....
food for small animals
super mud-flattibus
04 February 2004
8:44 p.m.

So anyway - today I realized that one cannot bend time without copious amounts of alcohol.

As one is discouraged from consuming said amounts of alcohol in the workplace, time must - in fact - remain a constant and mutually agreed-upon element.

In other words - we have fast-tracked absolutely everything involving the Monitor and hence I am insane.

The new exhibition opens in one month and counting. The last image request came in today, the text is still in the process of being finalized, comps must be turned around in about 24 hours and everything must be 100% accurate.

Did I mention that this is on top of everything else that I have going on? You know - like daily life and such?

Someone asked me today if I could handle all this. Thing is, I think I can - and I even said - "This is what I live for." And you know - I mean it.

Speaking of coolness - last night we did another Master and Commander program at Ye Olde Boat Museum and it was simply lovely. We had a panel discussion on what the film got right and wrong. I got to rant about how they deviated from the book (which is how I got started in this business, after all....) and we also had one of the consultants from the film there - who was absolutely marvelous and lots of great stories about how he had argued for one thing that was historically accurate and got nixed in favor of Hollywood hijinx.

Well - in the end, we all agreed that even with the few inaccuracies (and there really aren't that many - so a big 'huzzah' to Peter Weir!)we all loved the movie.

So what if there wasn't a Polynesian lesbian cannibal outrigger in the movie?

I mean, really.

We followed the panel discussion with a reception featuring foods from the Patrick O'Brian books - including frumenty, Plum Duff, cold polenta, kickshaws, port, madeira, ale, and grog (note that this is the recipe for a single serving, and not necessarily the British Royal Navy recipe - but who the heck wants that much grog in their life?).

I am the premiere grog-maker of the museum. I mix it with great abandon and show. And people actually like it. This is a thing that has never ceased to amaze me as I think that it is one of the most vile concoctions on the planet - especially when it's made with Pusser's Rum, which is the original Royal Navy rum mix.


Anyway - great turnout last night and great food and fun. We ended the evening with a concert from Bob Zentz. But what a long night!

And right now Im taking a break from putting together the content for our new website at Ye Olde Boat Museum. It's due tomorrow.

I've miles to code before I sleep.....

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:

Style Council

thinking about:


seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
