with silver wings upon their chests - these are men - America's best....
food for small animals
warlike thoughts
24 March 2003
3:16 p.m.

Went home a tad early today so I could actually get some work done.

How ironic - I have to leave work to be able to actually do work.

And of course - I'm writing this instead of working. Thing is, I'll be able to finish my current work project in about a third of the time it would take in the office. Part of it is that I can be completely comfortable and focused at home. Part of it is that I have Caller ID at home too!

Anyway - I just needed to clear my head and be able to focus on - what else? The USS Monitor - everyone's favorite cheesebox. I'm producing a kind of uber-PowerPoint to give to people to explain what the project is and why they should care.

There's a general malaise in the air right now, though - and I'm guessing it's all related to the war. This area in particular is affected quite heavily. So many folks from here are deployed overseas right now - how could Tidewater not feel different?

Right now there's a Pentagon briefing on concerning the POWs and the "laws of war."

Funny - I thought the "laws of war" were gone with the 19th century. I know, I know - the Geneva Convention is part of this and I'm all too aware of that (our Monitor sailors are covered by it), but the idea of civil behavior on a battlefield - particularly this battlefield, seems to be a contradiction in terms.

I don't know if I agree with all the reasons behind this war - and I'm not sure any rational being could ever completely wish for any war. Being a historian, I'm naturally going to be skeptical and probably tend to over-analyze things. But what I do know - what I feel with strong conviction is that our troops who are over there should be supported by those of us here at home. That's the bottom line. Protests are really of no use now and only serve to demoralize. Worse still, they divert attention from what police and rescue units need to be focusing on. Use your freedom of speech and right to assembly wisely, folks!

Allright - sermon over.

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:


thinking about:


seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

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