Poor Moses Myers would not believe all of the things that have befallen his old house on Catherine Street...
food for small animals
Moses, Eliza and me
06 February 2003
11:04 p.m.

Goodness gracious - but it's after 11 and I'm not in bed like a good little girl.

Course, I haven't been that good for a few days, now have I?

Seems as though I've found a part of me that I always knew that I had, but just never let it come out and enjoy the sunlight. It's the hard as nails little part that comes out for special occasions and Sunday-go-to meeting and such. And it's really not such a bad little thing even so - I mean, after a little pas de deux in public the other day I received three phone calls of congratulation, a lunch in my honour, and a nice pot of flowers for my trouble. Not bad for merely speaking one's mind.

See - there are certain areas where one does not go with me. You know, areas where I actually do know what I'm talking about. Like ships and history and such.

It's a good idea to not mess with me there. I mean, you can pelt me with quantum physics all you like and I won't say so much as 'how do you do' - but don't even begin to imply that I don't know how to do history.

See - someone did that to me the other day - in public. I can forgive, and I can even forget, since it's not like this person committed a mortal sin or anything. But forgetting comes slowly, and I have a very good memory.

But you know, I don't like to dwell on such things here, because at the end of the day - do they really matter? I mean - I spoke my piece and it's now another day. Deep cleansing breath - and it's over.

So - what else is up?

I went back to the Moses Myers House yesterday and took Harriet out to lunch.

Dear sweet Harriet. Sometimes you don't realize how much you've missed someone until you see them again. I could have hugged her for a long time.

It was sad, though. At first neither one of us spoke about what was really on our minds. There was an empty space there between us that was once occupied by Debbie.

It took a little while, but finally we talked about her. And it was good for us to take our time since by doing that we were able to spare ourselves the tears and only talk about the good in a way that would have made Debbie most happy. We even went to Kinkaids - which Debbie loved - and we were able to do so with joy rather than sadness.

I saw Sam and Phil and Marcia and Mary Jo too while I was there, sittin in the warm kitchen as they were, perusing books and catalogues and talking about nothing and everything. I also said hello to Moses and Eliza and John through their painted selves, and it was so bittersweet. I love them all - both living and not - so much, yet I cannot help them with their current sadness and melancholy. No, that's wrong. I can be there if they need to talk (though if Moses, Eliza and John start talking to me I think I might need a few stiff drinks....)- but I can't solve the problems endemic to that institution.

God, I hope they'll be OK.

Anyway - yesterday was nice. Today was too. Tomorrow is my Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so I think I'll do something important.

Like laundry.

It's late. I need to maintain a semblance of order in my life. So goodnight for now.

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:


thinking about:

the Federal period

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
