what about gold beneath the sea?
food for small animals
crash into me
29 June 2005
10:13 p.m.

My my my - but it's been a hectic month, fraught with all manner of electronic madness.....

My internet connection crashed.

My computer crashed. Many times, and none of them pretty. Then it started randomly turning on and off.

My email addresses - all of them - stopped working.

My PDA wigged out.

I didn't even turn my laptop on for fear that it would go silent again.

Perhaps the ghost that haunts this house is just having some fun with us. But really I think it's just all of my electronic equipment reacting to my stress levels, which have been elevated lately - not unlike Homeland Security when small planes wander aimlessly over DC.

Hopefully, though - that is a thing of the past, as we have finished fixing, cleaning and otherwise removing all traces of ourselves from the old house - which will belong to someone else at precisely 4:45 pm tomorrow.

Strange thought, that.

Anyway - that's the reason for the radio silence on my end. Hopefully it will end now.

I spent three days preparing the house for inspection. I purchased a small steam cleaner thingy that quite honestly has changed my life. I'm not sure how I - or even how humanity in general - has existed thus far without this marvel. Get thee to a Target, go and purchase either a Shark steamer or a Scunci steamer. You will never look at your baseboards the same way again.

Oh -

If by chance I don't *get* a chance to post tomorrow (and since I didn't get a chance to post much at all this June....and the fact that I have to work until 10 tomorrow night whilst wearing an 1890s bathing suit and no I'm not kidding...)

Happy belated birthdays go out to Addie and Dublingirl on June 4 and June 23 respectively, and a most happy birthday tomorrow goes out to Miss Clare - who is most wondrous!!!

Must go unpack a box now. Really, any box will do. There are so many.....

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:

Carbon Leaf

thinking about:

How can I procure 2 copies of the new Harry Potter.....?

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
