dear god, hope you got the letter and, i pray that you can make it better down here....
food for small animals
14 October 2004
10:03 p.m.

I am right now running on two hours of sleep.

I am also sitting in a hotel in Portland, Maine - where I've been since noon today. By noon tomorrow I will be gone.

I had to get up at 3:30 this morning in order to catch my flight - which through no apparent logic - connected through Detroit. I really had no sense I was in the Motor City as Wayne Kramer was most decidedly not waiting for me at the gate.

But in any event - we went to a meeting - that is, Len, Jeef, Dave and I - along with Robin, Matt and Doug(names that I'm sure mean nothing to many of you - but as my friend Ian would say - I'm *tired*...)

Jeef and Dave and I checked into the hotel at 5, went to the rooftop pub for drinks ('tis the season for Pumpkinhead Ale!!!), then had dinner at this cool 'floating' restaurant called DeMillo's which had really good 'Lazy Lobster' (remember - I'm not just tired, I'm *tired*. There's a difference). The really coolest thing about the place though is that it's an old ferry boat that for about 5 years (starting in 1947)ran between Norfolk and Hampton Virginia - before coming back to its home in Maine.

I talked to Jim for a brief little bit just now - and now I have simply got to go to bed as the screen is beginning to wiggle and the keys just don't do what I'm wanting them to...

Anyway - wish I could stay longer in this most lovely part of the world - but alas, it is not to be.


older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:

the sounds of Portland

thinking about:

reenactments long gone by

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
