peter patrick pitter patters on the window...
food for small animals
hey ya! no dead bodies
21 January 2004
9:46 p.m.

No dead bodies today - so that's good.

I spent the day in another cloud of ironclad goodness where I was really on top of things (which so rarely happens since I'm usually swamped). I finished the (hopefully) next to last edit, created a power point for a major donor and took Miss Anne Marie out to lunch.

She gave me the loveliest scarf today. It was handmade by the friend of a co-worker and she bought it for me in thanks for me spending the night at her house when she needed me to recently (it was me and Calli on the couch for some quality doggie time...)

I'm waiting for Jim to get back from Richmond from a meeting so I've got Outkast blaring at the moment. Not that Jim wouldn't listen to it, but it's more my thing than his.

Here's the thing. I read a review of the new album by a guy I used to work with - Ed (if I can find a link to him I'll post it...) and I really really respect Ed's opinion of things - always have. So if Ed writes for the whole world to read that this is one of his favourite albums of 2003 - you can bet that I'll sit up and take notice. he's rarely steered me wrong.

So I go out and buy it, listen to it, and agree that it's something beyond the normal beyond. Little did I know they had the number one single in Billboard......

(ah... time was once when I knew everything that was going on in the industry... when I could scare people with what I knew about music).

Well I just don't care. The album rules and I like playing it extremely loud. Often. And I alternate it with Belle and Sebastian because I'm just like that.

Speaking of - the new album is just a masterpiece if I haven't said that already. I thought I had lost my copy of it today and almost went to the store to get a new one.

That's saying something for me.

Luckily I found it.

Crisis averted and there can now be extreme tweeness on the way to work tomorrow.

And tomorrow we get to walk through the park to view the hurricane damage four months on and assess when the whole thing can reopen.

Hopefully there'll be no dead bodies tomorrow.

older shavings :: newer litter

listening to:


thinking about:

another glass of Alice White?

seems like yesterday...:

homeward bound - 19 January 2010
a conversation with eliza - 20 February 2009
Home For Christmas - 24 December 2008
lately on GMT... - 11 December 2008
museums are go! - 21 October 2008

shameless self promotion:

(~ waterblogged ~)

Obscure Logs

can't live without music !
